When there are so many diseases all around us, then we have to become a little more conscious of our health. We cannot neglect our health. Nowadays, most of the time we use electronic devices. In the morning time, we do not focus on doing exercise, but we always get interested in checking notifications of our mobile. We are forgetting that our health is our first priority. If we are continuously indulging our mind on mobile only, and not doing any exercise then we are playing with our health. It is important for our body that we eat good food and have good sleep. These help in increasing our focus and memory.
This is the time when we have to change our daily routine. We should do exercise or any kind of physical work so that we remain fit. According to one of the professors of Northeastern University, Professor Charles Hillman, exercise helps in keeping our mind fit. It is the best way of having a good memory. If you give one hour of your daily life to exercise, then you are bringing a positive note in your life. In this way, you will take good sleep and you would like to eat good food. If you are doing the exercises properly and eating healthy food, you will hone your memory.
In today’s hectic world, we have a lot to do. When we give time to mobiles, then we have time to exercise as well. Some people are getting fat, some have heart diseases, some are suffering from insomnia, and many more health issues have arisen. But the perfect solutions for all these are to do exercise or yoga. Therefore, bring this change in your life and you will be able to see your life happier than before.
Riya Gupta
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