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Women’s Rights as Human Rights

Gender based discrimination often goes unnoticed or wrapped under the label of culture, thus normalising it. The need to speak up about issues faced because of this is not only important but essential for the development of our society. Northeastern University’s Gallery 360 addresses this issue. The exhibit offers a look into the various problems that women have to face on an everyday basis both at home and outside. With works from artists around the globe, ‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights: International Posters on gender-based Inequality, Violence and Discrimination’ is a forty-four-poster exhibit that urges its viewers to recognise and the role that everyone should play in protecting these rights.

Elizabeth Resnick, graphic design professor emerita of Massachusetts College of Art and Design and the organiser of the exhibit, says that she kept in mind to include works that address problems affecting women on a daily basis like domestic violence and its acceptance, unequal pay, etc. For a viewer looking at these, Bruce Ployer the campus curator says, there maybe issues that they are able to identify with and ones that they know nothing about. It is the ability to educate and help people engage with these that makes the exhibit a success.

The exhibit raises a question on issues that need to be addressed immediately and all around the year, irrespective of who is in power politically. The exhibit is addressing problems on a global level and being a community of assorted cultures, Northeastern University provides the right platform for it.

N Malavika Mohan

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