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Why is trust important?

Writer: AJ SKAJ SK

All human relationships revolve around trust. It is a belief about someone that he is good and sincere towards you and he will not try to harm you. It is the thing that makes us stick to society. It helps us in living, working, and nurturing together. Intimacy is also dependent on it.

Most of the divorces occur due to a lack of trust. In professional life too, lack of trust gives rise to back-bitching and suspicion. Delegation and decentralisation can be successfully observed only when you trust your subordinates. It is the basis of decision making many a time. Even a doctor and a patient have a fiduciary relationship.

Trusting someone whole-heartedly gives you power; even mountain-like problems seem small when we know someone is always standing behind to catch us falling. We do not feel lonely any more. Sharing problems cut them by half. Northeastern University was aided grant so that the professors can study what makes human beings trust each other.

Let us look at how a strong bond of trust can be made. Money and power are not enough to buy someone’s trust. Firstly, trust yourself only then others will do. Always keep your words; never promise anything out of your capacity. Be honest to everyone; it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. Always complete your tasks before their deadlines. Keep smiling and make good eye contact, it gives positive vibes. If you do a handshake or hug someone, make sure that it is firm. There should be transparency. Apologies don’t make a person small; always be sorry if you are at fault. Hence, trust is of great importance in the life of all of us. Make sure you build trust in your relationships and keep it going without bringing the idea of brain games and betraying others in your mind.

Aarushi Chawla


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