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What’s in a perfect resumé and cover letter?

Writer: AJ SKAJ SK

A perfect resumé and cover letter is the first impression on the employer which can bag you your desired job. However, what should a perfect resumé and cover letter for it to make an outstanding impression? That is a million-dollar question. Employers, designers, and career counsellors from Northeastern University have given some useful tips to make an everlasting impression on your employer.

1. Pass the glance test:

Diane Ciarletta, the director of Northeastern University’s Department of Career Development, said no employer or hiring committee will spend more than 10 seconds looking at a resumé. And your goal must be to make the best of those 10 seconds. Ciarletta advised structuring your resumé in a manner that highlights your name, education, and most recent job experience.

2. Don’t always use the traditional font “Times New Roman”:

Exercise the use of other formal fonts such as Cambria and Calibri, two favourite resumé fonts of Ciarletta. According to one resumé and cover letter designer, “it’s telegraphing that you didn’t put any thought into the typeface that you selected”, who opined that always using Times New Roman on your resumé is like “wearing sweatpants” to your interview.

3. Be brief:

Don’t drag your cover letter for more than four paragraphs. Study the organisation and their requirements so your resumé and cover letter should be precise but should contain the exact kind of promise they require from you.

Ciarletta explained, “Jot down five things the employer is looking for based on the job description and then outline what you have done on co-op, in class, and during your extra-curricular activities that demonstrate that you have those skills.”

4. Focus on facts:

Statistically mention your accomplishments and success. Use numerical data, if present, to highlight the profit or success you can bring to the organisation if hired.

A perfect resumé and cover letter won’t guarantee you the job you desire. However, it will showcase your reputation as a worthwhile addition to the organisation in the minds of the hiring committee.

Dibyasha Das



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