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The Family Dinner: SLU reaches out to community

Writer: N Malavika MohanN Malavika Mohan

While the COVID-19 situation has hit all of us badly, it has hit the underprivileged the worst. Living on scanty incomes, not able to go for work like they used to directly means undernourishment and hunger for them. To help these families in this difficult time, Saint Louis University has collaborated with Habitat for Neighborhood Business (HNB) to initiate the Family Dinner Program to provide meals to about 200 Saint Louis Public Schools with the most needs, in association with the St. Louis Foodbank.

“For families experiencing food insecurity and hunger, the stress and worry we are all experiencing right now is multiplied,” says Dr. Kelvin R. Adams, Superintendent of Saint Louis Public Schools. During this time of struggle, it becomes the social responsibility of the privileged class to extend a hand and help the ones in need. Saint Louis Public Schools’ social service staff have identified the families in most needs and the University and HNB will provide nutritional meals to them for the coming 4 – 5 weeks through fifteen food pantries working for the Foodbank. The program’s costs are being covered solely by donations and the staff are all volunteers.

In addition to the meals that are being provided, the Foodbank is also organising Mobile Markets at distribution sites to provide the families in the area with fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat. Saint Louis University, which is a founding partner of Habitat for Neighborhood Business, believes that the program works in alignment with the University’s mission to support community and those in most need.

Donations received till now are hoped to supply about 1,00,000 meals, taking into consideration that Foodbank receives many food products at lowered or no price. The program may need to be extended for more duration depending upon how the economic situation is in the coming weeks.

N Malavika Mohan


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