Human beings go through different stages in their lives that consist of infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and old age. All these different phases have different roles in life. However, there is a special period in everyone’s life and that is the teenage. Many physiological take place in this period due to the production and release of different hormones. Only because of these physiological changes, they start getting mood swings and all this results in many social, mental, and behavioural changes. This is the phase that decides their perception of life. They observe maturity and learn to take decisions in life.
Most of the adolescents are vulnerable to go on the wrong paths during this time. They bring up questions regarding identity and more independence. They want less supervision. They face many nightmarish choices like friendship, attraction, academics, drugs, alcohol, etc. they live like narcissists and mostly focus on their looks. Consanguinity and family relations become menial for most of them and romantic interests, friends, and relationships become prime importance for them. However, parents of teenagers are always worried as they know what their children are going through. A professor at the Northeastern University studied the behaviour of multi-tasking teens which focused on such behaviours and their impacts and corrections.
Most of the parents think of it as a tough job to talk openly with their kids about all the changes in their life. However, they must talk to them about life coming ahead and about different lifestyle changes like a conversation about addiction to drugs or having a sexual relationship at this age. Also, children should not be afraid of their parents. The values given to children during this period are like investments and work as a trajectory for the long term positive development. Parents should also listen attentively and patiently to their problems and help them in choosing what is good for their children and help them in knowing their true worth as negligence on the part of parents can affect their children’s life.
Aarushi Chawla