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Tasty Thoughts – What is the future of food?  

Talking about food, one starts salivating. Food is the source of our energy. It is food which provides us the energy to survive the whole day without getting exhausted. Let me just say it acts as our body’s fuel. Food is not limited to just a basic necessity but also involves an integral function of satisfying our taste. Around the world, there are hundreds of delicacies popular in that particular region but since now the whole world communicates by the means of social media, we can enjoy a delicacy of Spain, sitting in India. World’s renowned celebrity chef and restaurateur, Mario Batali believes that in an age of speed, convenience, and inexpensiveness, the future will be about getting back to our roots and making dishes by hand- dishes that stir passion, start a conversation and invite company. 

“The future of food is probably more now than ever, in America, in our hands. When you make any decision about the food that you’re eating, the restaurants you go to, the kind of places you support, you must realise you are making a political decision. You should think about sustainability, you should think about seasonability, you should think about local farmers,” said Batali. 

Batali headlined the latest instalment of Northeastern University’s presidential speaker series, “The future of…” which drew hundreds of online viewers. Batali believes that to understand the future, we must be informed about its past. We as consumers should be conscious of the food choices, we are making to ensure those choices represent our values as people. He believes in creating a small moment of stillness after a meal. 

“The future of the home meal is in your hands. But when you’ve finished the meal, let dirty plates sit on the table for 20 minutes. It sets a tone for the conversation. More than that it sets a tone for the rest of our lives. If every single moment has to be moving forward, we’re never going to find time to relax, we’re never going to get to know each other. If you slowly start taking back quiet, the personal time you’ll be a better person and we’ll be better people,” said Batali. 

Priyanka Rawat 

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