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Stress: How Mental Health Affects Your Life

Writer: AJ SKAJ SK

At some phase in our life, all of us have experienced stress. Be it the stress of exams, of staying fit, of being extraordinary, or of having any disease. But, when deteriorating mental health crosses its limit, it becomes life threatening. Stress affects the way we think, feel, and behave. It often leads to a negative, self-perpetuating cycle that is hard to escape from.

Stress is merely a word for many of us, but for some people, this can be a whole new story when it paves the way to depression. It can lead to the end of their dreams, smile, and even life. But what causes it? A heavy workload, loss of a loved one, chronic illness or injury, any traumatic event, loneliness, some type of fear, and uncertainty are some major causes of stress. What happens when your stress transforms into depression? One experiences physical and psychological symptoms like unexpected changes in weight, long term body aches, increased risk of heart diseases, gastrointestinal problems, weakening of immunity, and much more. Investigations are conducted on patients who have experienced long term stress to find out the cause of their poor mental health.

Health expert, Kristen Lee Costa, an assistant teaching professor of behavioural sciences at Northeastern University, worked with students in the therapy room and talks about how she has seen the devastation that stampeding stress can create. She talked briefly about its impacts on a student’s life. Losing perspective, isolation, and poor time management are some of the major consequences.

Stress cannot be cured in a single day. Exercise and meditate daily morning in an open garden under fresh air. A daily cup of green tea and a reduction of caffeine intake is also helpful. Gratitude may help to relieve your mind. Spend time with your loved ones, laugh as much as you can, and listen to a piece of soothing pleasant music. These tips often involve getting your mind away from the source of stress. Perfectly said by Tom Rataj,

“When Stress is at highest, just know it can only go down”.

Vibhor Bhatnagar


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