Those who own pets or are animal lovers know the importance of pets in one’s life. They are not just some animals living in your house they become a part of your family. People get so attached to their pets that the thought of being separated from them is unbearable.
Having a pet means having emotional support at all times near you. They sense when something is wrong and try their best to support you and cheer you up. It is a known fact that having pets around reduces stress in anyone and people who have pets live a happier and more fulfilled life.
Keeping this very thing in mind, Northeastern University started an activity in which students can pet a husky puppy virtually. Who doesn’t like petting puppies for stress relief?
Having a furry companion means taking care of it. When people are responsible for taking care of someone, they get this sense of independence which helps them in leading a better life. Taking care of someone else makes people compelled to take care of themselves as well. The sense of loneliness is not there which in turn improves a person’s mood.
It is observed that happier people are healthier. A child raised with a pet has higher self-esteem and positive emotional development is observed.
Pets teach us many things, among which are taking responsibility and being compassionate. A pet requires daily feeding, grooming, exercise and maintaining a routine. Caring for a pet requires compassion, understanding, and empathy. Kids learn to be kind and to take care of others’ basic needs.
In conclusion, feeding and caring for a pet encourages childhood responsibility. Children with pets display improved impulse control, social skills, and self-esteem. Sharing the love and care of a family pet forges an additional common bond among siblings. Cuddling a pet reduces stress, loneliness and anxiety, an absolute win-win situation.
Anushka Singh