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Pancreatic cancer

Aarushi Chawla

“Pancreatic cancer is not a destination but rather a life’s challenge that can be overcome.”

Cancer that develops in the insulin-producing organ of the digestive system is called pancreatic cancer. It is a rare disease (as there are less than one million cases of this cancer in India) but it has the worst survival rates. The treatment procedure for pancreatic cancer is not the same for every patient. However, it depends on the intensity of carcinoma. The remedies include medical surgery, chemotherapies, and therapy through radiations or any combinations made out of this. Researchers of Northeastern University have found a way by which patients of this cancer can respond better to the chemotherapeutic drugs.

Elements that can contribute to the likelihood of pancreatic cancer are being obese, having an older age, a family history, if you smoke, or suffer from pancreatitis or diabetes. However, one cannot observe the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer until it has reached an advanced level. Loss of appetite or weight loss due to abdominal pain is one of the most common indicators of this cancer. Apart from this, the symptoms of jaundice, itchy skin, clots of blood, uncontrolled diabetes, light-toned stools, dark urine, and extended fatigue period can also be noticed.

As this cancer makes progress, one can notice many complications. Weight loss in patients of pancreatic cancer is very common, the reason being, cells of cancer consume the energy. Also, it is difficult for them to eat due to nausea and vomiting. This cancer plugs the bile channel of the liver and causes jaundice. Sometimes, the growing cancer cells exert pressure on nerves, and the person experiences severe pain.

Nonetheless, you can shrink the likelihood of pancreatic carcinoma by being careful at some points such as, if you are a non-smoker, please don’t start. However, if you smoke, try to avoid it with the help of medicines, nicotine therapies, and help groups. Perpetuate a healthy weight and exercise daily. Prefer a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

Aarushi Chawla


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