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Opioid Addiction: A Public Health Crisis

Writer: AJ SKAJ SK

“He was vomitting badly. I felt that his organs might come out from his mouth. He laid unconscious and when he woke up, he started shivering. He was demanding more of it now. Now he could not even breathe without inhaling those chemicals. He stopped taking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. His only food was that bloody powder. His parents were hopeless. His sisters were lost. Doctors gave him an injection to sleep. Now Sleep was the only option which could help him in that addiction”: This is what opioid did to my friend. A real incident that explained to me, what a simple addiction can do with you and your family. Everything will be destroyed within seconds and you will not get time to regret.

Opioids are a class of drugs that include illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl and pain relievers. They work by improving your health first so that you become addictive to them and after an overdose, your brain actually changes in certain ways so that you develop a powerful urge to use them. After one starts overdosing on these drugs, they develop physical, mental and behavioral symptoms such as drowsiness, constipation, sleeping more or less than normal, mood swings, depression, anxiety attacks and much more. But how do you know if you are addicted? If you feel like you can’t control the urge to take the drug or if you keep using the drug without your doctor’s consent, then you are addicted. If you feel like this, consult your doctor. There will be tests for mental health disorders and blood count.

The misuse of and addiction to opioids is a public health crisis in the United States. Leo Beletsky, an associate professor at Northeastern University who studies opioid addiction and Zachary Seigel, a journalism fellow who is working with him are creating, Change the Narrative, a guideline for health care professionals that will help nudge them towards more accurate, less stigmatised language. “Strong mental health, yoga, exercise, and proper dieting are some of the ways to avoid opioid addiction,” said Betesky. You need to understand that your one-time relaxation by using opioid can make your life hell.

“Drugs take you to hell disguised as heaven.”

Vibhor Bhatnagar


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