Recently, Marine Science Center of the Northeastern University launched a series of online educational resources for the science teachers which can be used anywhere, anytime. The site translates research completed by students of the Northeastern University and faculty into lesson plans for teachers. It is catered towards lessons suited for students from early elementary school to high school. The teaching resources include PowerPoint presentations, wildlife identification packs, and activities for the classroom and the outdoors.
According to Valerie Perini, outreach program coordinator at the Marine Science Center, it was originally developed for teachers who had plans to visit the center for a field trip. But later, they decided to extend this facility for all the teachers. The section with case studies has been designed to give students an idea of careers in marine biology. It includes research done by Northeastern faculty and students at the Marine Science Center.
A part of the Marine Science Center called The Ocean Genome Legacy Center, has also revamped its online educational materials. Its main focus is on preserving DNA samples of wildlife. Hannah Appiah-Madson, the collections associate at the Ocean Genome Legacy Center believes in educating the public about genomes, DNA, and the wealth of knowledge they have on these subjects. They are working on demystifying the idea of genetics.
Perini hopes to create more access to marine science research and activities that can help students better understand what a career here might entail. “These educational resources are only scratching the surface of the research and knowledge available at the Marine Science Center”, Perini said.
Shahjadi Jemim Rahman