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Heterogeneous humans in a homogeneous world

Globalisation and cosmopolitanism are the two important realities of our contemporary world. We are living in times where geography has ceased to be a constraint. Nations distanced by space and time have never been so accessible.  Globalisation, which is technically an economic concept, has merged the different economies of the world in a collective. Growth or recession in one nation directly affects the economies of the other nations in the world. And the migration of people internationally, a recent trend in the history of our civilisation, has transformed the world of heterogeneity in one big agglomeration of diverse people. It would not be wrong in saying that with all our cultural and political heterogeneity, we humans have become a relatively homogeneous society. Our socio-political and economic lives have been totally revolutionised. No culture, norms or values have remained unaffected by these trends. Our lives have become so interconnected, it has become of vital importance to maintain the balance of exclusiveness in this inclusive atmosphere, and for the collective solidarity among the nations on issues which affect the whole of humanity, we all must strive towards a better understanding of different cultures and nations.

Keeping this in regard, many universities offer student cultural exchange programmes. It helps in generating among the new generation a sense of appreciation and intimate relation with the different cultures of the world. Northeastern University is one among the vast number of universities which exclusively focusses on achieving a world of better understanding. Johanna Gunawan, a student in collaboration with Northeastern University has started a programme that aims to maintain a regular student exchange among Japanese and Northeastern University. Universities must realise that in present times, no education can be achieved in isolation. There must be international cooperation and collaboration in generating an atmosphere of solidarity among the different culture which is the need of the day.

Nafis Haider

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