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Finding his destiny across the globe

Writer: AJ SKAJ SK

It is not common when one sees someone from outside choosing to go in India – Robert Klucevsek is not, apparently, one of those common people. After trying his hand in public relations – by working in Boston-based co-op, he finally found his calling in the field of graphic designing. Klucevsek got a job in Extentia Information Technology, which is a software development company, situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India. The company has a vital presence around the globe and hence, it was because of this that Klucevsek got to see the diversity that India exhibits.

This Northeastern University Journalism major was also fascinated by this amazing learning opportunity because it gave him an opening to put his artistic skills on showcase. He has, till now, designed logos, banner ads, creative videos as well as splash screens for iWordCards, iPhone, and iPod applications. “Graphic design professors expect us to master a simpler style,” he stated, “but clients expected us to have the basics and be able to make the design look shiny and pretty. I had to learn to adapt to what they expected.”

Klucevsek was a bit concerned about adjusting himself in such a new place, and that too, for half a year. He had Matt Qaudros, a fellow co-op student, to help him adapt in the country, as they drove around in a moped to and from. He ended up making friends from all across the globe. And as far as I can understand, it is obvious to see why he loved the place; India is full of rich culture and traditions. He said, “To see a different side of the world is good for building character. I wasn’t sure about it before, but now I’d definitely consider a full-time job overseas.”

Klucevsek has, quite unsurprisingly, finished his co-op as a public relations intern in two places – the Massachusetts Convention & Exhibition Center as well as Gov. Deval Patrick’s press office.

Pranjali Wakde


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