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Earth Day: Why and How to Celebrate

Writer: AJ SKAJ SK

Earth is the only planet which supports life. As a mother takes care of her children, fulfilling all their needs, so does our planet fulfill ours, which is why we call it mother earth. When a child grows, we teach them about trees, water, animals, and the environment. What they are and why we need them. But we forget to teach them that they are also living beings and share the same rights as humans. Every part of nature has its own importance. But the need and greed of humans have degraded the Earth tremendously. Human activities have affected the earth in a devastating way. Deforestation, the killing of animals, air, and water pollution results in sudden climate change, endangering animals, increasing global warming, and affecting the availability of fresh air and water.

In a society where we celebrate birthdays, Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, and so on, let’s come together and honour the Earth that gives us food to eat, a place to live, and air to breathe. According to Hindu mythology, Earth is called Dharti maa and is one of the five essential elements to survive.

But how does one celebrate this Day? Just try leaving the car at home and walking, cycling, or using public transport. Offer gratitude and practice yoga by coming out from your air-conditioned rooms. For just this day, try turning off appliances at the walk, unplug the TV, plant more trees in your backyard, and become a vegetarian. We need to reduce our waste output and energy consumption. So let us make an objective of “Trash to Treasure” and “Do it in the Dark” to achieve the same. Northeastern University has won several awards over the last few years for its efforts in environmentalism, including three years on the “Green Honor Roll” of the Princeton Review.

Mother Earth is suffering and in order to cure her, immediate action is required. In order to address these concerns, we should try celebrating Earth Day on 22nd April, every year.

Vibhor Bhatnagar


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