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Do More Guns Lead To More Fatal Police Shootings?

Writer: AJ SKAJ SK

Shouldn’t we just stop now? Witnessing the ordeals placed upon our mother earth by the erroneous feats of mankind, we are just pushing ourselves to a dreadful fate. But are these the only elements cruising us towards doomsday? We are failing to maintain harmony among ourselves and the imposed systems in such a manner that the recent reports by researchers from Northeastern University and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health claimed that police shootings of civilians are more likely in states with high rates of gun ownership.

The take-home message from the study is that when people live in places where guns are more prevalent, police officers are more likely to shoot and kill them. The two factors that are looked at as the most strongly predictive of whether a citizen would be legally shot and assassinated by police are the overall rate of violent crime in that state and the overall rate of civilian firearm ownership.

Catalogues which illustrate the number of civilians shot and killed by police in the line of duty extracted those police shootings for the years 2015 to 2017 were 40 percent more likely to occur in states with more guns. People living in the 10 states with the most guns are 3.6 times more likely to be involved in fatal police shootings than if they live in the five states with the fewest guns. When police are involved in an encounter where guns are more prevalent in general, it shouldn’t be surprising while concluding that their level of anxiety has heightened.

Harminder Singh


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