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Constant communication: A key to effective teamwork?

Writer: AJ SKAJ SK

I’m pretty sure, every one of you might have been given a piece of common advice, “Constant communication is a key to effective teamwork”. But is that the case really? Its time we ponder upon this as every team is aiming to make it to the top. “Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity”. Very well quoted by Nat Turner. Communication is indeed a necessary connection between a team which includes sharing their personal views and ideas leading their company to succeed.

Here is the thing, we fail to pay our attention to. There’s a fine difference between constant communication and communication. It has been proved that when it comes to problem-solving as a team, constant communication is actually a bad thing. Chris Riedl, an Assistant professor at the Northeastern University carried out extensive research on the issue and found out that, bursts of messages proved to be good for the performance of the team and led to a better quality of work rather than constantly communicating. According to the research, constantly being active on the internet for communication results in poor performance of the team and therefore, such acts are known to be detrimental to completing successful projects. Here comes the role of “Bursty communication”, let me just elaborate what really does Bursty communication mean. Bursty communication involves sharing of a bunch of ideas, views, opinions, and suggestions by every individual in the team on a day and then going into hibernation for a relatively long period of time. The individuals tend to focus on their assigned task in that period of time. Thus, leading to the accomplishment of the task on time, resulting in the completion of the project successfully. This would therefore, assure the success of the company.

Riedl also discovered that sharing diverse information amongst the team is benefitting. However, the research does not end here. Riedl also managed to stand against the common belief that working from home leads to lower productivity and quality of work. According to the studies conducted by him, he stated remote setting does not matter much as far as the communication is burstier. To conclude; the burstier the communication, the better it is for the betterment of the company. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that, bursts of inspiration come from bursts of communication.

Priyanka Rawat


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