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Combatting the COVID-19 crisis

Kriti Vishwakarma

As the spread of the pandemic has increased, so have the strategies to counter it. The shortage of medical equipment is one of the key problems faced worldwide. Hospitals and health systems are struggling with a host of problems including insufficient tests, slow results, shortages of personal protective equipment, and ventilators for critically ill patients. This entire list of problems is interconnected making each other worse off. To fight this global shortage of protective equipment, governments and companies are ramping up the production as the death toll from this illness is on a steep surge. As a major move against this crisis, many companies have stopped the production of their normal business line and have switched to the manufacturing of protective equipment. This move is symbolic of the synchronised efforts of various stakeholders to surpass this catastrophic phase.

Coaster Cycles, founded by Ben Morris, a graduate from Northeastern University, is an example of one such small and large manufacturers of the U.S. that has recently shifted to making personal protective equipment in response to COVID-19. The lack of essential supplies is being evidenced in most parts of the country due to its reliance on overseas supply chains. The availability of open-source designs for free has been one of the prime reasons for an easy shift to making face shields. Along with playing a pivotal role in adding to the global supply of this equipment, it has also solved the lay-off problem and has even employed more persons in this new venture. The company will continue to manufacture face shields even after it resumes its pedicab manufacturing which is its business in normal days.

Opting for this course instead of crying over the halted production can eventually solve this supply crunch leading to an end to this grueling situation.

Kriti Vishwakarma


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