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BusRight: The Hi-tech way to go to school

Writer's picture: AJ SKAJ SK

We all have seen or heard cases of vexed parents complaining about their child’s home to school and back transport facilities. Then there are some paranoid mothers getting, panicked enough to phone the police authorities when the school bus is late to deliver her child home. This problem adds much exertion to the daily lives of many parents. The cause is quite evident, all parents love their children and they all want them safe. BusRight solves this once and for all.

Nobody could have thought that this minor issue (compared to the other bigger problems like global warming) can become a source of inspiration for two business students from Northeastern University – Keith Corso and Evan Eddleston. Corso and Eddleston have come up with a brilliant and innovative solution to revolutionise the school bus industry. They have started with a start up named BusRight. BusRight is a new app that keeps track of school bus passengers, pinpoints the location of buses in transit, and calculates optimal routes using GPS technology and Google Maps. The start-up is beneficial not only for the parents, but also helps to curb carbon emissions, reduce transportation costs for bus companies, and improve quality of life for drivers and passengers as well. BusRight has a proprietary software that keeps active track of where passengers need to go and then uses the data to calculate the most efficient route to the stops of individual passengers. Parents receive real-time alerts about the location of their children’s bus and its expected arrival time. Now all the stressed parents can sit back in their living room and track their child’s location on phone through notifications from BusRight app.

The beta version of app will be launched in September for testing. Many schools have shown their active interests in this app. Eddleston has promised that using BusRight both the passengers and the bus drivers will be home early.

Shraddha Patil


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