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Bidding adieu to college life is a mixed feeling  

 Dr. Suess quoted, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened”.

Bidding adieu to our loved ones is quite upsetting. Considering the college life, all your friends with whom you shared the most memorable as well as the embarrassing moments, separating from them is going to be quite a difficult thing, more than one can imagine.   

 Laura Dudley a faculty member at the Northeastern University who is an assistant clinical professor and director of the Applied Behavioral Analysis programs and graduated from Bowdoin College in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts in French and History said, 

 “The graduation is an important rite of passage. What I didn’t know at the time of my own graduation was that I would eventually spend another eight years in graduate school, and I would end up pursuing a career in higher education (in none of the fields that I majored in). I have found that what has been most important in my personal and professional journey—more than my coursework, degree, or even the colleges I attended—were the people I met along the way. My close friends remained my close friends. And many of the people who were acquaintances have returned in my life in unexpected ways”. 

 Laura Dudley, mentioned that though separation from loved ones is an upsetting thing but shouldn’t crib over it and miss the unexpected things which are going to happen in the future. Every individual ought to move ahead in life and can surely be in touch with their loved ones too. 

 Jerome Hajjar, CDM Smith Professor and chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the Northeastern University, graduated from Yale University in 1982 with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Mechanics. While giving a speech he mentioned, 

 “At my undergraduate graduation, I remember feeling pride, but also sadness at having to move on from a wonderful experience with friends and faculty. I loved college—I learned so much, and still have much lasting friendship”. 

 Thus, my friends stick on to the words of Dr. Suess and smile that it happened rather than cribbing over it. 

Priyanka Rawat 

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