We all have smartphones and smart phones have apps. If you have given attention to it, you will find that every general needs of people these days can be sought by a variety of apps. We have shopping apps, grocery apps, booking apps, travel apps and even apps that home deliver food and medicine. A wise person had once said, ‘Internet will never impress me until it provides me food.’ Well now you even have that amigo!
A decade ago, nobody would have thought that apps would grow this far apart from being social media tools. However, there is a catch. Actually two of them. First, with growing software industry we have multiple choices for single need. Second, our phones are overcrowded and often defunct. In such scenarios, it is important for the apps to be not only effective but also compact and aesthetic masterpieces.
Aesthetics has become one powerful governing factor. We all prefer apps that look good on our screens, with their pixels a perfect blend. Improving aesthetics and graphics has become prime business for Chris Marciano, Ryan Matthew, Mark Munroe, and Matt Stoner. Astonishingly, these quadruple working at ‘Neuron’, a company that specialises in improving user interactions with soft tools and services, are Architects! They are graduates from Northeastern University which provided them the opportunity to strengthen their fundamentals of designing not only as a class room procedure but also as a real time profession. They work to make applications an eye-candy for the users without harming it’s functionality. The ideology behind their workings in drawn from the fact that virtual world has also become an equal part of human life. So, why shouldn’t it be as adorned as the real life surroundings? Marcino proudly says,
“Northeastern prepared us with strong fundamentals in design thinking, both in the classroom and while on co-op. We now apply this background in architecture to the design of digital products and services.”
Shraddha Patil