PTSD is taking a toll on war veterans
War is a situation or a period of fighting between countries or groups of people. War generally involves the use of weapons and military...
War is a situation or a period of fighting between countries or groups of people. War generally involves the use of weapons and military...
Trump’s new strategy for the war in Afghanistan—deploying more troops, putting diplomatic pressure on Pakistan, and reaching out to the...
After 10 years in the war zone, what was a scarier thought for Phil McTigue was going back to school and finishing his degree. Serving...
The arms race and principle of protectionism has given rise to autonomous weapons that are now eventually coming in a battlefield. These...
Veterans Day is one of the most famous  American Holidays that fall on the 11th of November each year. It celebrates the former and...
‘Anne Frank: The diary of a young girl’ was published posthumously and translated in more than 50 languages. The book shows the...
The big bang theory elucidated the inception of our mother earth in the vast universe but has anyone decoded the abominable feats of...
Humans are humorous- right? Who can be so humorous than the human race chiseling their own flesh by their own feats? The bars have...
We are too grateful to be blessed with our natural resources in abundance. But are we really deserving? I certainly doubt that....
This giant sphere which consists of 71% of water and rest of mountains, plateaus, and plains is referred to as the goddess earth or our...
How many times do you think about your rights being taken? Delay in our police case or application without reply makes us think that we...