The Comedian President- Volodymyr Zelensky
As with many post-Soviet states, Ukraine has experienced a tumultuous existence. Leaders pledging allegiance to the European Union and...
As with many post-Soviet states, Ukraine has experienced a tumultuous existence. Leaders pledging allegiance to the European Union and...
The Marshall Scholarship, which falls under the Marshall Plan offered to the U.K. after World War II, was launched in the year 1953. The...
The dramatic rise of digital token offerings saw the creation of hundreds of new virtual currencies, but experts say most of them have...
Northeastern University gives its students very interesting co-op opportunities before their graduation. For example, James Morrison...
Earlier this year, Facebook promised to change the way it manages the advertisements for housing, employment, and credit that run on its...
Meme culture has grown rapidly in the 21st century. From the political to the historic to even entertainment, no sphere of life has been...
When you think about climate change solutions, one might think of eco-green technologies or rows of solar panels. These are just the...
Northeastern University’s associate professor of health sciences, Beth Molnar, was just bestowed with an honourable award for her...
Hazel L. Sive is an educator and biologist who was born in South African. She is a member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical...
In April 2018, T-Mobile and Sprint announced their merger. The mobile carriers submitted a formal application to the Federal...
In recent times, a user is unable to think of using an electronic device, say a mobile phone or laptop without access to the cloud. Cloud...
Brushing your teeth well and regularly is an important part of your oral hygiene routine. And as easy as it may seem, most of us don’t...
Around 425 million years ago, the researchers found, our ancestor was a fish with mediocre eyesight. Its sight couldn’t improve until it...
The City of New Orleans has suffered a cyber-security attack serious enough for Mayor LaToya Cantrell to declare a state of emergency....
AÂ fifth year mechanical engineering student at Northeastern University, Orion Wilmerding designed mechanical wonder- robotic arms. Along...
The debate on female underrepresentation in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields largely has two sides....
Cells need to make proteins that support biological processes and cell functions. And when a cell needs to make proteins, it needs the...
In 1756, a man named Edward Jenner, changed the medication techniques forever. Smallpox vaccine, the first successful vaccine to be...
E. coli ​belongs to a large group of bacteria called Escherichia coli. Many E. coli​ are harmless and they live in the intestines of...
It would be alarmingly easy for the hackers to steal your private information, starting simply with your Instagram selfies and connecting...